Clinical Partnerships
TGen's objectives are to make discoveries of the genetic markers of disease (diagnostics), to identify and manipulate new targets for treatment of disease (therapeutics), and to develop new ways to conduct research and analyze information (genetic technology and computational biology tools). TGen's success is linked to collaborative partnerships with academic, clinical, and business entities with shared missions. Playing a central role in collaborating with colleagues throughout Arizona and the world, TGen complements ongoing activities in human molecular genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and structural biology. The diversity of genetic researchers within TGen will serve as a resource for the greater Arizonan research community and beyond.
The mission of TGen is to make and translate genomic discoveries into advances in human health. Translational genomics research is a relatively new field employing innovative advances arising from the Human Genome Project and applying them to the development of diagnostics, prognostics and therapies for cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes and other complex diseases. TGen is focused on personalized medicine and plans to accomplish its goals through robust and disease-focused research.
Learn more about ASU-TGen Research Collaborations.